A Brand New Blog!

My students think they invented this trick.

Because lord knows the internet needs another one of them.

Right now, I have two blogs that are running very nicely – the Labyrinth Library podcast and the Year of Stories. The former updates weekly and is about books, the latter updates daily and is about writing. Frankly, I’m surprised I’ve been doing as well as I have with them.

What I don’t have, though, is a good place to just dump my thoughts. Because I do think, from time to time. And there are some thoughts that hum around in my head and just beg to be let out. Now I do have a LiveJournal page, but over the time I’ve been here at WordPress with the other blogs, I’ve just really come to enjoy using it. So, to that end, I’m moving my operations over here. I’m in the process of finding interesting posts from my LJ and bringing them over, perhaps cleaning them up a bit in the hopes that you enjoy them as much as I do. Over the next couple of days, the archives should fill up a bit, so grab a torch off the wall and take a look around.

If you want to know more about me, check out the “About the Blogger” page, but suffice it to say that my interests are varied, and even I don’t always know what I’m going to come up with. It’s an adventure for all involved.

With luck, once everything is in good working order, I’ll be able to deliver my morsels of half-baked genius to you on a regular basis.

No, no. Don’t thank me.